I'd be curious to know why this particular topic resonates so strongly with YOU. I had a female friend who writes M/M fiction come out as "queer" because she writes that fiction, which I thought was a bit odd, but hey, it's all a rich tapestry. Anyway, just an idea for a future column. (You DO write very realistically, which I agree is unusual. And i'm curious to know why. LOL)

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Brent, this is a great question, and I wish I had a succinct answer. I can say that after I moved to Manhattan years ago, loving the arts as I do put me in touch with several gay men. Some of them became close friends. At the time I didn’t realize just how much sh-t they’d had to face. That realization came later, and when it did it I felt the start of a slow-burning rage.

I had three brothers, and I was quite the tomboy for several of my formative years. My best friend and I would play in the woods; she was always Daniel Boone, and I was always Davy Crocket. I’ve heard that almost no one lands all the way at one end or the other of the gay/straight scale, and there’s probably something similar when it comes to gender identity. Individual humans are so very complex. So although I identify strongly as female and as straight, who knows where I fall on any scale?

A lesbian friend once asked me if I’d ever write a story with a lesbian protagonist. I told her then, and I would say this now: I’m not that great a writer. I know what it feels like to want a man.

Thanks for the question. And thanks for reading!

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Interesting! you should consider turning this into a full essay.

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I like the way you think.

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Robin Reardon

I remember the 80s well. I remember the rage, the helplessness, but also the hope. The gay community is nothing if not resilient.

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