My fifth Outback is a 2018 (the first one was a 1992)

I went through pretty much all of the things you described here, but not all at once 😄

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1. You made me laugh out loud. 2. Your Outback is a delectable color. 3. What is it about Outbacks that win our loyal affection? Gosh. I love mine, too. Her name is Red.

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Love it! Red. Yes. Well, if you have an Outback, you will understand how the all-wheel-drive has saved me from disasters on snowy roads more than once. And getting into my garage in New England winters means that sometimes I must drive up a twenty-degree slope through 6: of the white stuff, take a sharp left-hand turn, and continue up an even steeper slope before entering the garage. Subaru has been selling all-wheel-drive cars for decades. They have it down to a science and raised to an art. Besides, they're pretty cars. 😊

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Pleasing to my eye, like my favorite trail running shoes. The funniest part is that's why I bought mine--that, and rear cargo space for carting stuff around or car camping in. It was only afterward that I found out it's the stereotypical lesbian-mobile. 😆

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What a riot. I live near Somerville, MA, which has a very large lesbian population. I used to wonder why I saw so many Subarus whenever I drove through that area. Smart women, I guess.

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